Game Concept

Slay the onslaughts of monsters with your flashy spells and receive the fame and recognition you've always dreamed of.

Wizard Colosseum will be a singleplayer game combining the hoard slayer and bullet hell game categories.

Concept Creation

The key influences Wizard Colosseum will draw from include: the enemy hoards and general survival gameplay of Vampire Survivors and Brotato, the eye-catching spells of Noita (and Vampire Survivors), and the grid-based movement and a similar general art style to Crypt of the NecroDancer.

To be more honest, Wizard Colosseum is intended as a step towards another game concept I hope to make. That game would place emphasis on a mashup of the key elements from the above games and one other, but it would be too difficult to both script and balance that additional feature within current time constraints.

Main Inspirations
Stills from the videos on the above linked steam pages (from top left to bottom right: Vampire Survivors, Brotato, Noita and Crypt of the NecroDancer)

Audience and Competitive Analysis

This demo of Wizard Colosseum will attempt to cater more towards casual players with low to medium existing experience in similar games, but the completed game would have difficulty scaling to provide a challenge and eventually defeat for experienced players.

Wizard Colosseum will appear simple based on a cursory glance of the pixelated artstyle, but the particle effects and visually distinct spells should be appealing for the average player.

Game Treatment

The key features this demo build of Wizard Colosseum will aim to implement include:

  • A stamina system for the player to be utilised when moving, dashing and spellcasting.
  • 2-7 different spell types for the player to cast, each with unique appearances and functions.
  • 1-4 different enemy types with different behaviours.

There will need to be scripts for things like: Player movement, enemy movement, shooting spells, unique spell movement, enemy spawning, enemy melee.

Concept Art


A small colosseum mock-up, featuring sprites from KenneyNL's Tiny Dungeon asset pack.


  • Dark Sickle spell (will have a projectile and melee component)
    • Super Smash Bros. — Cloud's Blade Beam
    • The Legend of Zelda — Spin Attack
Cloud's Blade Beam in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, by Riku434 on Smashpedia
Cloud's Blade Beam in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, by Riku434 on Smashpedia
Link's Spin Attack in Hyrule Warriors, by Embyr 75 on the Zelda Wiki
Link's Spin Attack in Hyrule Warriors, by Embyr 75 on the Zelda Wiki
  • Arcane Seeker spell
    • Hearthstone — Arcane Missiles spell

Day[9] HearthStone Decktacular #157 - Infinite Arcane Missiles Mage P1, by Day9tv on YouTube
Day[9] HearthStone Decktacular #157 - Infinite Arcane Missiles Mage P1 (4:39), by Day9tv on YouTube

  • Fireball spell
    • Noita — Fireball spell
Trying Fireball in a Holy Mountain, by Heinermann on the Noita Wiki
Trying Fireball in a Holy Mountain, by Heinermann on the Noita Wiki
  • Chain Lightning spell
    • Noita — Chain Bolt spell

An example of Chain Bolt jumping between enemies, by Andrick11x on the Noita Wiki
An example of Chain Bolt jumping between enemies, by Andrick11x on the Noita Wiki

  • Chromatic Tri-Beam spell
    • Ghostbusters — Proton Stream

Proton Stream appearances in Ghostbusters 1, by Devilmanozzy on the Ghostbusters Fandom
Proton Stream appearances in Ghostbusters 1, by Devilmanozzy on the Ghostbusters Fandom

  • Miasma "spell"
    • Pathologic — Plague Cloud

A rendition of the in game appearance of Plague Clouds in Pathologic, by a deleted user in r/pathologic on Reddit
A rendition of the in game appearance of Plague Clouds in Pathologic (see the comment on the original post here), by a deleted user on a post in r/pathologic on Reddit


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Overall a good concept, however many of the details are either left for the reader to determine purely from piecing together the (Great) concept art, as the game treatment section is quite sparse (See rubric feedback). I would have loved to have heard more about how the grid-based movement will be the key distinguisher from vampire survivors.

With the information provided, this should be an achievable concept, with the main challenges being the variety in the attack types, the upgrade system and its associated UI, and (although already discussed), potentially performance when there end up being more characters. Encourage you to take a look at this past game from the unit and the Plains of Havoc game we will be doing game testing on in a few weeks time.